Current Issue: September 2024
Next Issue: December 2024
pISSN 1309-6958
eISSN 2146-1953


Copyright Agreement Form

Sample Title Page

Sample Research Article

Sample Case Report

Sample Letter to Editor

Sample Review

Endnote Style

Author Guidelines

A- Article Submission

Scientific articles prepared according to journal rules should be submitted using the online article submission system at

Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences accepts articles in English. In addition, all articles should include title, keywords and abstract in Turkish (translation will be provided for foreign authors by our journal office).

Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences applies the double-blind peer review system. Therefore, information such as author names, affiliations, current/permanent addresses, etc. should only be given on the title page. In all article types, the main text file should never contain details such as author’s name, institution, e-mail information, etc. The name of the file should not include information such as author's name, surname, institution, etc. The name of the file should be the same as the article title. Articles that do not meet this requirement will not be evaluated.

Articles should be written in Cambria in Word file format, 9-point font in the abstract, 10-point font in the tables, 12-point font in the article text, single spacing (each margin 2.5 cm) page layout. Abbreviations should be written as SI (standard index).

Authors should be aware of and take into account the issues listed in the "Ethical Principles and Publication Policy" section regarding scientific research and authors.

Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences does not charge authors at any stage.

Authors are required to upload their article files to the system in five parts. Details on these are presented below.

1- Ethics Committee Report & Statement

If animals are used in the research, the research should be approved by the ethics committee and the relevant document should be uploaded to the system. For articles that do not require an ethics committee certificate, it is obligatory to apply to the LOCAL ETHICS COMMITTEES and to obtain a certificate of “the ethics committee approval is not required”. The decision that this permission is not needed should be taken with the decision of the local ethics committee, not with the personal opinions of the authors. Articles that do not meet this requirement will not be evaluated.

2- ICMJE Form

To avoid potential conflicts of interest, it is mandatory to fill out the international "ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest" (

3- Copyright Agreement Form

Authors are required to upload the Copyright Agreement form in PDF format via the system when they submit their articles for publication. Copyright Agreement Form

4- Article Title Page

The title of the article (in Turkish and English), full names, addresses, ORCID information and e-mail address of the author responsible for the correspondence are written. Authors with different addresses are indicated with superscript numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) and the corresponding author is indicated with an asterisk (*). ORCID information is indicated with superscript letters (a,b,c etc.) At the end of the title page of the article, the contribution of each author to the study should be stated separately and in detail. The corresponding author's statement regarding conflict of interest should be stated in detail at the end of the title page. If the study has been funded, this information should be shared on the title page. If the article has been presented at a congress/symposium before, this detail should be stated on the title page.

5- Article Main Text File

This section consists of the English and Turkish titles, abstracts, keywords of the article, and other sections according to the article type. Tables, figures and graphics should be included in the same file. In the main text file, there should be absolutely no details such as author name, institution, e-mail information, etc. The name of the file should be the same as the article title. The articles that do not meet this requirement will not be evaluated.


Research article: They are original research articles. They should report scientifically sound experiments, provide a significant amount of new information and include the following sections:

- Title in English –Turkish

- Abstract (Stuctured) and Keywords in English – Turkish

- Introduction

- Materials and Methods

- Results

- Discussion

- Recommendation

- References

- Tables

- Graphics

- Figures

The abstract should be limited to 250 words.

Reviews: They identify existing gaps or problems by providing a comprehensive analysis of the literature in a field of study. They should be critical and constructive and make recommendations for future research. Unpublished data should not be presented. Abstracts are not segmented in reviews. The author determines the subtitles himself/herself up to the references. The subtitles should be written in italics and only the initial letter should be capitalized. In our journal, "Invited review" articles requested from authors with international publishing experience and recognition in a particular field are published.

Case reports: Case reports, common in health sciences journals, provide detailed information about an individual patient's symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment (including any interventions) and outcomes. They often describe novel or rare conditions that serve to improve medical care or highlight diagnostic approaches. The structure of case reports is different from articles. The case report should include an abstract (not segmented), introduction, case presentation, references, tables, graphs, figures. When submitting case reports, it should be ensured that the appropriate permission for publication (Consent Form) has been obtained from the owners of the patients included in the article.

Short communication: It contains current information and findings on relevant topics, but is less comprehensive than an original article. It should be prepared in the format of an original article.

Preliminary scientific report: A brief, interpretable description of partially completed original research findings. It should be prepared in the original article format.

Letters to the editor: Short, illustrated presentations of interesting cases or topics of scientific or practical benefits. The length of the text should not exceed 3 pages in total.


Cover Letter

It should be written in the relevant field in the online article submission system, not as a separate file. The importance and acceptability of the submitted study for the journal should be discussed (please avoid repeating the information already available in the abstract and introduction).

Other information that the editorial board needs to know should be included (e.g. the article or any part of it has not been previously published or considered for publication).

Title Page (TitlePage)

• Article type

The type of the study (Research article, Case report, etc.) should be specified (Cambria 12 point, red font color and bold).

The title of the article (in Turkish and English) should be written in Cambria 12 point, black font color and bold characters.

The short title (in English) should be no more than 50 words (Cambria 11 point, black font color).

- Author name

Author names should be written in full, with initials capitalized and in the order of "First Name and Last Name" (Cambria 12 point, black font color). For example;

Maria Seres Padron1,*,a

Any titles (Prof., Dr., Mr., Ms., etc.) or Academic suffixes (MD, MSc., BSc., etc.) should be avoided.

- Institution Information

The institution to which the authors are affiliated should be the institution where the authors were at the time of the study. Each institution should be indicated by superscript numbers (Cambria 10 point, black font color). For example;

1Selcuk University, VeterinaryFaculty, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Konya, Turkey

- Corresponding Author

Corresponding author is indicated with a superscript asterisk (*) and e-mail information is written (Cambria 10 point, black font color). For example;



Authors' ORCID information is shown in superscript letters (Cambria 10 point, black font color). For example

aORCID: 0000-0000-0000-0000

In addition to this information, the title page should include the following sections: Acknowledgment, Conflicts of interest, funding information, Author Contributions and Ethical approval.

Main text

Article Titles

The title conveys the main topic of the research and normally includes the main results. It should be short, descriptive and grammatically correct.

Only the first letter of the title should be capitalized (except for proper names) (Cambria 12 point, black font color and bold). For example;

The effect of preliminary body weight of the Limousin cattle on the economic fattening performance

The title should be written in both English and Turkish (Translation will be provided for foreign authors by our journal office).

Italics should only be used when necessary for specific names (such as species names), but not for emphasis.

Periods should be avoided; instead, authors may use commas, colons or hyphens.

We recommend that authors keep their target audience in mind and try to appeal to as wide a readership as possible. Therefore, avoid abbreviations and jargon that those outside of your field may not understand. Creative and original titles can be used, but make sure they do not compromise clarity in an effort to stand out.


Turkish and English abstracts should not be more than 250 words each. They should not contain any quotations, figures or tables. This section consists of 4 separate parts: Objective, in which the purpose of the research is stated; Materials and Methods, which describes how the research was conducted; Results, in which the main findings are expressed statistically; Recommendation, which expresses the main recommendation of the research.

The abstract section is written in Cambria font in 9 pt. Bold red font color should be used in the main and sub-section headings of this section.

Turkish abstract will be translated for foreign authors by the Editorial Office. Abstracts in case reports and reviews are not sectioned.

Key words

There should be a maximum of 5 words. Only the first letter of the first word of the keywords should be capitalized. The abstract section should be written in Cambria font in 9 point.


In the introduction, current issues and past studies are typically discussed, along with a description of what the article presents. It is written with directly relevant references. The hypothesis and purpose are stated at the end of this section.

The title of this section should be written in Cambria 12-point font, bold red font color and the content should be in Cambria 12-point black font color.

Materials and Methods

If more than one method is used, it can be divided into sub-sections.

The main title of this section should be written in Cambria 12-point, bold red font color, and the content should be in Cambria 12 pt black font color.

Only the first letter of the subtitles should be capitalized. It should be written in Cambria 12 point, italic, black font color. For example

Animal material

Descriptions of experimental methods should be concise but sufficient to allow repetition by other researchers. It is not necessary to describe previously published procedures in detail; instead, they may be cited with appropriate references. Sources of specialty chemical(s), equipment or preparation(s) should be given with company name and country. All chemicals and reagents should be identified using a generic name, not a brand name.

Ethics committee approval is required for animal experiments, experimental procedures and care and an approval number should be provided (e.g. Approval No. 2019011).

Informed consent should be obtained from patient owners in case reports.

Abbreviations and Acronyms: It is strongly discouraged to use abbreviations other than units of measure. Abbreviations should not be used in the title or abstract. It should be noted that all abbreviations or acronyms are written clearly in the first mention in the text. Abbreviations should be written as SI (standard index).

Names of Medicines, Devices and Other Products: Generic names should be used. When registered trademarks are used in research, include the brand name and manufacturer's name in parentheses after the first mention of the generic name, using the following format: generic name (product name; manufacturer name, country): for example, xylazine (Rompun®, Bayer AG. Germany).

Gene Names, Symbols and Accession Numbers: Authors identifying genes or related structures in an article should use the names and official symbols provided by the US National Center for Biotechnology Information ( or the HUGO Gene Naming Committee (

In statistical analyzes, the tests in which the data are evaluated and the program information used should be given. Statistical significance should be shown in lower case letters and in parentheses (p<0.05).


The main title of this section should be in Cambria 12-point, bold red font color and the content should be in Cambria 12-point, black font color.

Only the first letter of the subtitles (if necessary) should be capitalized, and they should be written in Cambria 12 point, italic, black font color.

This section should provide a logical and concise textual explanation of the data presented in tables and figures. Repetition of the same data in different figures should be avoided.


Cambria 12-point, bold red font color should be used in the title of this section, and Cambria 12-point, black font color should be used in the content.

Only the first letter of the subtitles (if necessary) should be capitalized and they should be written in Cambria 12 point, italic, black font color.

This section should enable the authors to interpret and integrate the results in response to the question(s) or hypothesis stated in the introduction. There is no need to repeat the content of the findings section in the Discussion section. Authors should state the biomedical and/or clinical significance/implications of their study. Speculation is allowed, but should be clearly supported by the results presented or previously published.


Cambria 12-point, bold red font color should be used in the title of this section and Cambria 12-point, black font color should be used in the content.

The basic proposal of the research is made. The findings of the research are not repeated.


This part of the article should be specified on the title page.

Cambria 12-point, bold red font color should be used in the title of this section and Cambria 12-point, black font color should be used in the content.

Institutions and individuals who received support and assistance (non-financial) are thanked. If the research abstract has been presented previously, it should be stated here.

If the study is derived from a master's or doctoral thesis, it should be stated in this part.

• Conflicts of Interest

This part of the article should be specified on the title page.

In the title of this part, Cambria 12 points, bold red font color should be used, and in the content, Cambria 12 point black font color should be used.

Authors should declare all relevant interests that may be perceived as conflicting. Authors should explain why each interest may represent a conflict. If no conflict exists, authors should state it. Submitting authors are responsible for ensuring that co-authors declare their interests.

Conflicts of interest (COIs, also known as 'competing interests') arise when issues other than research can reasonably be perceived to affect the impartiality or objectivity of the study or its evaluation. See our publication ethics policy for more information. Authors should declare all potential interests - whether they actually have an influence or not - in the conflicts of interest section and explain why these interests may be a conflict. If there are no interests, authors should state:

"Author(s) declare(s) that there are no conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article".

The authors who submit the article are responsible for declaring the interests of the co-authors. Declared conflicts of interest will be evaluated by the editor and reviewers and included in the published article.

Authors should declare any existing or recent funds and other payments, goods or services that may affect the study. With or without conflict, all funds should be disclosed in the fund statement. The involvement of any person other than the authors who: i) has an interest in the outcome of the study; ii) is affiliated with an organization that has such an interest; or iii) is employed or paid by a funder, is involved in commissioning, planning, designing, conducting, analyzing, preparing or editing the article or deciding to publish it should be declared.

You may be asked to make some changes to your article as a result of your declaration. These requests are not an accusation of misconduct. The editor or reviewer helps you to protect your study against possible criticism.

If you are in any doubt about declaring a potential conflict, remember that revealing it later - especially after publication - may cause more problems than declaring it at the time of submission. Undeclared conflicts of interest may lead to corrections or, in the most serious cases, to the withdrawal of the study.

• Funding

This part of the article should be specified on the title page.

Cambria 12 points, bold red font color should be used in the title of this part, and Cambria 12 point black font color should be used in the content.

Authors should indicate exactly how the research and publication of their article was funded and the institutions that financially supported it. For example;

'This study was supported by the XXXXX University Scientific Research Fund (YYY, 2013-AA-BBBB)'.

If the research did not receive private funding, but was carried out as part of the authors' employment, please provide the name of that employer. If the funder was involved in the decision to write, edit, approve or publish the article, please state this.

• Ethical Approval

This part of the article should be specified on the title page.

Cambria 12-point, bold red font color should be used in the title of this part and Cambria 12-point black font color should be used in the content.

In this part, the institution approving the study and the approval number are given. For example;

Selçuk University Experimental Research and Application Center, Animal Experiments Ethics Committee, approval no: 2017/29.

• Author Contributions

This part of the article should be specified on the title page.

Cambria 12-point, bold red font color should be used in the title of this part and Cambria 12-point, black font color should be used in the content.

Author contributions to these parts should be indicated as follows:

Rose Daniel: RD; Beatris Victory: BV; Cem Utekar: CU

Motivation / Concept: RD

Design: RD, BV

Control/Supervision: RD, BV, CU

Data Collection and / or Processing: RD, BV, CU

Analysis and / or Interpretation: RD, BV

Literature Review: BV

Writing the Article: RD

Critical Review: RD, BV

- References

Cambria 12-point, bold red font color should be used in the title of this part and Cambria 12-point, black font color should be used in the content.

Reference list: A complete list of all cited references should be added in alphabetical order of name/date.

If more than one research of the author with the same date is used, the letters a and b (2021a, 2021b) are added next to the date.

If the number of authors is more than 4 (four), the abbreviation 'et al.' should be used after the fourth author. Journal titles should follow PubMed's abbreviation style.

Include the specific doi (if any) of the cited articles.

Citation in the text;

Style Examples for Citation in thetext.

Type of Reference

Punctuation and Order of Elements in the Text

Citation within text

One author

Author Surname (year) Yazar (2010)

Two authors

Authors Surname (year) Yazarand Elmas(2010)

Three or more

First author surname + et al (year) Yazar et al (2010)

Citation at the end of the text

One author

(Author Surname year) (Yazar 2010)

Two authors

(Authors Surname year) (Yazarand Elmas2010)

Three or more

(First author surname + et al year) (Yazar et al 2010)

Style of Reference List

Type of Reference

Punctuation and Order of Elements in Reference List


One to four authors

First author, Second author, Third author, Fourth author, Year. Article name. Journal abbreviation, Volume(Issue),Pages.

Yazar E, Elmas M, Okur M, Altın C, 2011.Analysis of changes in red meat prices in Turkey over the last 25 years and the effects of import decisions. Cell Dev Biol, 82(1), 3-13.

More than four authors

First author, Second author, Third author, Fourth author, et al., Year. Article name. Journal abbreviation, Volume(Issue),Pages.

Yazar E, Elmas M, Okur M, Maden C, et al., 2011. Analysis of changes in red meat prices in Turkey over the last 25 years and the effects of import decisions. Cell Dev Biol, 82(1), 3-13.

Book Section or Book

Book Section

Author surname, year. Section name, In: Book name, Ed; Editor surname, Edition, Publisher, Place of publication, Country, page number

Elmas M, 2009. Fluidelectrolyte treatment, In: Veterinary Drug, Ed; Yazar E, Third edition, Nobel Press, Istanbul, Turkey, pp; 175-197.


Giguère S, Prescott JF, Dowling PM, 2013. Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine, 5th edition, Wiley Blackwell, New Jersey, USA, pp; 704-705.



Çiçek H, 2002. Profitability and productivity analysis of cattle fattening enterprises in Afyon. PhD thesis, Ankara University Health Sciences Institute, Ankara


OIE, 2010. Accessed at: 04.01.2022.


They are presented on a separate page at the end of the article (the places where the tables will be placed in the text should be specified). Tables should not be copied and pasted from another application (excel, powerpoint, acrobat, etc.). Tables should be made with the create table option in the Word file to be uploaded to the system. Otherwise, shifts will occur in the rows and columns of your tables during typesetting.

10 point Cambria font should be used in the tables.

All tables should be named and numbered in the order of citation. Do not use abbreviations in in-text citations.

Explanations of all abbreviations and superscripts should be given.

Tables should also be uploaded to the system as separate files (word, excel, etc.) (named as Table1, Table2...).


They are presented in a 1x2 table on a different page at the end of the article. The places where the graphics will be placed in the text should be specified.


They are presented in a 1x2 table on a different page at the end of the article (main text). The places where the figures will be placed should be specified in the text.

Figures in the main file should be 80 or 160 mm wide and have a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

All figures should be named and numbered according to the order of citation (Figure 1, Figure 2). Do not use abbreviations in in-text citations.

If the figures are to be presented as plates, they should be shown in capital letters (such as A, B, C).

Figures should also be uploaded to the system as separate files (jpg, jpeg, tiff) (named as Figure1, Figure2…).

Bars can be used in histopathological figures. In figures where the bar is not preferred, the lens magnification should be written in the description.


When preparing a revised version of the article, authors are asked to carefully follow the instructions given in the Editor's letter.

Authors are requested to complete the revision within 8 weeks.

If references, tables or figures are moved, added or deleted during the revision process, all tables, references and figures in the revised version should be renumbered to refer to them in numerical order.

Revised article submissions should include a point-by-point response to reviewers' comments. Authors should explain how each reviewer's comment was addressed or why it was not addressed and clearly state which paragraph in the article was revised based on which comment.

Response(s) to each reviewer will be shared with all reviewers. In the revised text, the changes should be highlighted (red font color). For the changes, notes referring to the editor's or reviewers' inquiries may be included if necessary.


Articles submitted to the journal are subjected to similarity analysis (maximum %20) using appropriate software (iThenticatebyCrossCheck) at the beginning and at every necessary stage. Regardless of the similarity rate, if unethical similarities are detected, the authors are notified and corrections are requested, or the articles with excessive similarities are rejected at the first evaluation stage without being evaluated.

Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Science enforces publication ethics and verifies the originality of submitted content before publication and checks all submitted articles for plagiarism / self-plagiarism, similarity and duplication. All submitted articles are meticulously scanned by a similarity detection software (iThenticatebyCrossCheck). Papers previously presented at scientific meetings and published only as " abstracts " should be specified in the Title Page file as stated in the "Guidelines for Authors". Authors are not entitled to use entire paragraphs of their previous publications in a new submission. Such actions are also considered plagiarism. In any case, the article should be original in terms of scientific content and spelling. In case of alleged or suspected research misconduct, the Editorial Board will follow and act in accordance with the "COPE Guidelines".